Slaight New Venture Competition

Hosted by Enactus TMU

What is SNVC?

Do you want to spend your summer working on your startup?

Are you a TRSM student looking for some seed funding to help your business?

If you answered yes to both those questions then apply to the 20th annual Slaight New Venture Competition. The competition awards innovative businesses two prizes of $25,000 startup seed money; one female and one male.


The presenter must be a full-time TRSM student

TRSM student must have equity in the business (equal or majority shareholder*)

The Slaight New venture competition allows six students the opportunity to pitch for two prizes of $25,000 seed money; awarded to one female and one male presenter.

Both options are open to non-binary/intersex

Both options are open to everyone who identifies as a woman; identifies as a man and everyone who identifies as trans+ or non-binary

*exception can be made based on a review

What do you need to apply?

1. Lean Model Canvas: Unlike a business plan that takes too long to write, and more importantly, no one reads, a Lean Canvas is designed to help you create a quick snapshot of your idea, share it with someone for feedback, and refine it iteratively.

2. Proof of Traction: Traction is evidence that your product or service has started that “hockey- stick” adoption rate which implies a large market, a valid business model, and sustainable growth. Investors want evidence that the “dogs are eating the dog food,” and
your financial projections are not just a dream.

3. One-minute elevator pitch: A one minute video overviewing your business and its unique value proposition.

4. A 4-page executive summary: An executive summary is a short document or section of a document produced for business purposes. It summarizes a longer report or proposal or a group of related reports in such a way that readers can rapidly become acquainted with a large body of material without having to read it all.

What is Enactus TMU?

Enactus is Canada’s largest experiential learning platform that helps students unleash their entrepreneurial spirit and develop their talent and perspective essential to leadership in our ever-changing world. We rally the ideas, energy, and passion of student leaders who see business as a way to address social issues.

Get In Touch With Us

Kareem Hamid | President, Enactus TMU

[email protected]

Shivam Gulati | Project Manager, SMU

[email protected]

Sean Wise | Associate Professor, Entrepreneurship

[email protected]